Reiki Treatment Pricing:

90 Minute Session: 
60 minutes of hands on Reiki 
and 30 minutes of intuitive counseling to discuss findings and my recommendations for care.

*Suggested for all clients new to Reiki & energy work. Also for current clients needing extra counseling etc. 


60 Minute Session: 
45 minutes of hands on Reiki 
and 15 minutes of intuitive counseling to discuss findings. 

*Suggested for all maintenance clients. 


30 Minute Session: 
20 minutes hands on Reiki 

and 10 minutes of intuitive counseling.
*Suggested for established clients needing a quick energy boost or chakra balance. 

Distance Reiki:

Energy is not limited by time or distance. I can work with you energetically! I work with a body chart and use Reiki to connect with clients over distance. Great for those who are unable to come in person. You do not need to do anything special other than accept the healing energy. However, many clients like to lay down during the scheduled time reiki is being sent. 


1 hour Distance Session: 

A brief phone call before and after the session to discuss concerns and findings. Includes email of recorded session, distance body chart, notes and suggestions.



30 minute Distance Session: 

A brief phone call before and after session to discuss concerns and findings. Includes email of recorded session, distance body chart, notes and suggestions.



I work intuitively, so your session may include a combination of Reiki, healing crystals, chakra specific essential oils, high frequency tuning forks, grounding tools (conductive grounding mat), intuitive counseling, and other guided healing techniques. Therefore, I charge by time, not by service. 


Ionic Foot Detox now available!

How does it work? A basin is filled with warm water and a small pinch of salt to aid in conductivity. Then an array is placed into the tub to produce an electrical current. 

This direct current breaks the water into positively charged hydrogen ions and oxygen gas, or negatively charged hydroxide ions and hydrogen gas. 

You might notice a slight tingling sensation in your feet. That’s because our bodies are made of water and electrolytes, and they allow the current to travel through the body. This current causes the tingling sensation, like a catalyst to boost the body’s own natural detoxifying abilities.

By the end of a 30-minute session, the water changes color. The color change is caused by the oxidation of the metal plates in the array and the ions reacting with solutes in the water.
An ionic foot detox is more effective than other foot detox modalities because the electrical current actually travels throughout the body and stimulates lasting detoxification effects. Other modalities offer similar relaxation benefits, but the effects don’t last, and they can only remove toxins close to the surface of the skin.

You will wear an infrared belt that penetrates 200-300 times deeper than conventional heating pads for fast-acting pain relief and detoxification. When infrared heat is applied to your body, the result is a natural detox. This process provides a temporary increase to blood circulation, thus offering relief of minor muscle and joint pain. 

You’ll also wear a grounding wrist band and sit on a conductive grounding mat, these assist in electricity neutralizing your energy to match the frequency of the earth. Hence the phrase “grounding/Earthing” that we often talk about. 

You will detox up to 3 days following the session, in your stools and urine. So drink plenty of water to flush the toxins. I suggest staying consistent with your foot detox for best results.

During a foot detox bath an ionic charge is released into the water which raises the voltage of the cells to increase their optimum levels. This increases the cells abilities to function normally and to absorb nutrients and oxygen again. It eliminates toxins that’s are stored in fat, kidneys, liver, bowels, and skin. It also triggers the body’s lymphatic system, which helps with continuing detoxification for up to 24-48 hours after a session. 

Individual sessions: $45 
*45 minute session Ionic Foot Detox with consultation. 

30 minutes soaking in the Ionic Foot Detox to include the infrared waist belt, grounding wrist band, and Ultimate Longevity conductive grounding mat. 

Add on Ionic Foot Detox: $33 
*Add on service only-must be scheduled with a reiki session or QHHT session. 

30 minutes soaking in the Ionic Foot Detox to include the infrared waist belt, grounding wrist band, and Ultimate Longevity conductive grounding mat. 

Generally 6 to 10 sessions are recommended 1-2 sessions a week, for 6 to 10 weeks. Once the sessions are complete, I recommend 1 or 2 sessions a month